Newforge Sports Physiotherapy Clinic

Newforge sports physio clinic

As of June 2024 we’ll be operating solely out of our Newforge Sports Physiotherapy clinic, and no longer treating patients at Ormeau Road.

We feel in many ways that our Newforge Clinic is better suited to what we do as sports physiotherapists, being in the heart of the £12 million Newforge Sports Centre, putting us right in the heart of sports physiotherapy in Belfast. We are on-hand for all your physical therapy needs in the Newforge Centre, whether you need a Belfast sports physiotherapist, Belfast sports injury clinic or Belfast sports massage therapist.

Being in the Newforge Centre, part of the beautiful Lagan Valley Park, is also perfect for a sports physio centre as we are now situated next to a range of sporting facilities including a state-of-the-art gym, grass and 3D pitches, sports hall and medical rooms. The Newforge Sports Complex is also ideal for functions, having capacity and catering from 30 to 250 people.

Other Sports Clubs near to Physio Performance

Our Newforge location also puts us in easy reach of lots of other local sports clubs, including the Belfast Harlequins, the Instonians Hockey and Rugby clubs, the Balmoral Bowling Club, Basketball NI and the Blackwater Steelers Basketball Club.

Coming to the Newforge Clinic from Ormeau Road

If you’ve previously come to see us at our old Ormeau Road clinic and are now coming to the Newforge Clinic, travelling from Ormeau Road couldn’t be easier. Simply follow these directions.

We treat patients and sportspeople from all over Belfast and look forward to seeing you at the clinic soon, keeping you fit and on the field!